What is International Law? International law is the field of law which governs the conduct of independent nations and their relationships with various countries. International law is held separate from the majority of legal systems, because the scope of law is primarily concerned with provinces rather than individual citizens. International law is the body of legal regulations that is composed for observational and adherence purposes for States who are in relations (whether through trade or political negotiations) with one another. The rule of International law related to the function of international organizations or institutions, and their relationships with one another, and their relationship with the state in which they are located in. International law is somewhat of a broad term, for it can encompass one of three legal disciplines: 1. Public International Law: This form of law governs the relationship between international entities and the provinces in which they operate out of or conduct business with. This scope of International Law primarily deals with specific legal fields such as treaty law, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, and the law of the sea. 2. Private International Law: This scope of law, which is also referred to as the conflict of laws, addresses two primary questions: 1.) in which jurisdiction may a legal case be heard and administered? And 2.) The various and fluctuating laws concerning these particular jurisdictions applies to which issues in the case? 3. Supranational Law: This field of law, which is also referred to the law of supranational organizations, concerns present regional agreements where the distinguishing factor is that the laws of the underlying nation states are held inapplicable and incompatible when conflicting with a supranational legal entity. In a broader sense, the two traditional branches of International law will evaluate legal issues concerning the varying laws of particular nations in a relationship in some capacity and the laws which evaluate and uphold the subsequent agreements made between nations. The United Nations and International Law International law is developed by those nations who comprise the international system. That being said, not every nation has a say towards the creative efforts of the field, however, most nations are said to comply with this framework. The United Nations is regarded as a primary source for the delivery and upholding of International law. Those countries that misrepresent or blatantly deceive and go against International law will be condemned by the active members of the United Nations. Article 13 of the United Nations Charter obligates the General Assembly of the UN to initiate and conduct studies to deliver recommendations which encourage a progressive development of international law and its affirmed codification. The United Nations is the most recognized international institution; the UN possesses influence over the global community. The United Nations was created to establish and uphold the peaceful cooperation between nations, as well as ensure the humane treatment of all citizens by foreign governments and international groups.